Label: XRP
Pages about XRP, the native digital asset built into the XRP Ledger.
Learn about the uses and properties of XRP, the digital asset for payments.
Payment Types
Direct XRP Payments
Direct XRP payments are the simplest way to send value in the XRP Ledger.
Decentralized Exchange
Automated Market Makers
Automated Market Makers (AMMs) provide liquidity between asset pairs, complemeting the order books in the decentralized exchange while providing passive income for their liquidity providers.
Decentralized Exchange
Autobriding automatically connects order books using XRP as an intermediary when it reduces costs.
Consensus Network
Fee Voting
How validators vote on fees (transaction cost and reserve requirements).
XRPL Quickstart
Use a JavaScript test harness to send XRP, trade currencies, and mint and trade NFTokens.
XRPL Quickstart
1. Create Accounts and Send XRP
Quickstart 1, create two accounts and transfer XRP between them.
XRPL Quickstart
Broker a NFToken Sale
Broker a sale between a sell offer and a buy offer.
XRPL Quickstart
Assign an Authorized Minter
Authorize another account to mint NFTokens for you.
XRPL Quickstart
Batch Mint NFTokens
Broker a sale between a sell offer and a buy offer.
Get Started
Send XRP
Learn how to send test payments right from your browser.
XRP Ledger Businesses
List XRP as an Exchange
Run a digital asset exchange? Follow these steps to add XRP.
Ledger Object Types
The settings, XRP balance, and other metadata for one account.
Transaction Types
Send funds from one account to another.
Account Methods
Get basic data about an account.