Label: Escrow
Pages about the Escrow feature.
Payment Types
Escrows set aside XRP and deliver it later when certain conditions are met. Escrows can depend on time limits, cryptographic conditions, or both.
Use Escrows
Send a Time-Held Escrow
Create an escrow whose only condition for release is that a specific time has passed.
Use Escrows
Send a Conditionally-Held Escrow
Create an escrow whose release is based on a condition being fulfilled.
Use Escrows
Cancel an Expired Escrow
Cancel an expired escrow.
Use Escrows
Look up escrows
Look up pending escrows by sender or destination address.
Use Escrows
Use an Escrow as a Smart Contract
Use a cryptographic escrow as a smart contract to ensure a recipient gets paid only if they successfully perform a service.
Ledger Object Types
Contains XRP held for a conditional payment.
Transaction Types
Reclaim escrowed XRP.
Transaction Types
Create an escrowed XRP payment.
Transaction Types
Deliver escrowed XRP to recipient.