API Conventions

This section describes data types and formats of the HTTP APIs (JSON-RPC and WebSocket) as implemented in the rippled server.

For information on the XRP Ledger protocol that applies to all APIs, see Protocol Reference.

  • Request Formatting

    Standard request format, with examples, for the WebSocket, JSON-RPC, and Commandline interfaces.

  • Response Formatting

    Standard response format, with examples, for the WebSocket, JSON-RPC, and Commandline interfaces.

  • Error Formatting

    Error formats and common error codes for WebSocket, JSON-RPC, and Commandline interfaces.

  • Markers and Pagination

    Convention for paginating large queries into multiple responses.

  • Rate Limiting

    Information on how public APIs limit clients from making too many requests.

  • rippled Server States

    Definitions of state information reported in some API methods.