Join the XRP Ledger EVM Sidechain Devnet

This tutorial walks you through the steps to join the existing XRP Ledger EVM Sidechain Devnet.

For ease of use, create an alias, exprd, to run all commands inside your Docker container.


Before proceeding to initialize the node, ensure that the following pre-requisites are installed and running:

  • Docker 19+
  • Create an alias to run all commands in this tutorial inside a Docker container:

    bash alias exrpd="docker run -it --rm -v ~/.exrpd:/root/.exrpd peersyst/xrp-evm-client:latest exrpd"

Initialize Node

The first task is to initialize the node, which creates the necessary validator and node configuration files.

  1. Initialize the chain parameters using the following command:

    bash exrpd config chain-id exrp_1440001-1

  2. Create or add a key to your node. For this tutorial, we use the test keyring:

    bash exrpd keys add <key_name> --keyring-backend test

    Note the key_name you enter as you need to reference it in subsequent steps.

    Note For more information on a more secure setup for your validator, refer to cosmos-sdk keys and keyrings and validator security.

  3. Initialize the node using the following command:

    bash exrpd init <your_custom_moniker> --chain-id exrp_1440001-1

    Monikers can contain only ASCII characters. Using Unicode characters renders your node unreachable.

All these commands create your ~/.exrpd (i.e $HOME) directory with subfolders config/ and data/. In the config directory, the most important files for configuration are app.toml and config.toml.

Genesis & Seeds

  1. Copy the Genesis File.

    Download the genesis.json file from here and copy it to the config directory: ~/.exrpd/config/genesis.json. This is a genesis file with the chain-id and genesis accounts balances.

    wget []( ~/.exrpd/config/

    Verify the genesis configuration file:

    exrpd validate-genesis
  2. Add Persistent Peer Nodes

    Set the persistent_peer s field in ~/.exrpd/config/config.toml to specify peers with which your node maintains persistent connections. You can retrieve them from the list of available peers on the archive repo ( ).

    To get a list of entries from the peers.txt file in the PEERS variable, run the following command:

    PEERS=`curl -sL | sort -R | head -n 10 | awk '{print $1}' | paste -s -d, -`

    Use sed to include them in the configuration. You can also add them manually:

    sed -i.bak -e "s/^persistent_peers *=.*/persistent_peers = \"$PEERS\"/" ~/.exrpd/config/config.toml

Run a Devnet Validator Node

Run the Devnet validator node using following command:

exrpd tx staking create-validator \
  --amount=1000000000000axrp \
  --pubkey=$(exrpd tendermint show-validator) \
  --moniker="<your_custom_moniker>" \
  --chain-id=<chain_id> \
  --commission-rate="0.05" \
  --commission-max-rate="0.20" \
  --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
  --min-self-delegation="1000000" \
  --gas="auto" \
  --gas-prices="0.025axrp" \

Note For more information on running a validator note, see Run a validator

Start the Node

Start the node.

exrpd start

Once enough voting power (+2/3) from the genesis validators is up-and-running, the node starts producing blocks.