Label: Tokens
Pages about issuing tokens in the XRP Ledger.
Payment Types
Checks let users create deferred payments that can be canceled or cashed by the intended recipients.
Anyone can make tokens representing digital value on the XRP Ledger.
Trust Lines and Issuing
Learn about the properties and rationale of trust lines.
Authorized Trust Lines
Authorized trust lines is a setting to limit who can hold a token.
Freezing Tokens
Issuers can freeze their issued tokens for compliance purposes.
Freezing Tokens
Common Misunderstandings about Freezes
Clarify common misunderstandings about the XRP Ledger's freeze feature.
Rippling is automatic multi-party net settlement of token balances.
Transfer Fees
Token issuers can charge a fee for transferring their tokens.
Issuing and Operational Addresses
Businesses sending transactions on the XRP Ledger automatically should set up separate addresses for different purposes to minimize risk.
Decentralized Exchange
Tick Size
Issuers can set custom tick sizes for currencies to reduce churn in order books over miniscule differences in exchange rates.
XRPL Quickstart
Use a JavaScript test harness to send XRP, trade currencies, and mint and trade NFTokens.
XRPL Quickstart
2. Create Trust Line and Send Currency
Quickstart step 2, create trust lines and send currency.
XRPL Quickstart
3. Mint and Burn NFTokens
Quickstart step 3, mint and burn NFTokens.
XRPL Quickstart
4. Transfer NFTokens
Use a JavaScript test harness to send XRP, trade currencies, and mint and trade NFTokens.
Use Tokens
Issue a Fungible Token
Create your own token and issue it on the XRP Ledger Testnet.
Use Tokens
Trade in the Decentralized Exchange
Buy or sell fungible tokens for each other or for XRP in the decentralized exchange.
Use Tokens
Enable No Freeze
Permanently give up your account's ability to freeze tokens it issues.
Use Tokens
Enact Global Freeze
Freeze all tokens issued by your address.
Use Tokens
Freeze a Trust Line
Freeze an individual holder of a token.
XRP Ledger Businesses
Become a Stablecoin Issuer
Stablecoin issuers link tokens in the XRP Ledger to assets in the outside world.
Ledger Object Types
Links two accounts, tracking the balance of one currency between them. The concept of a trust line is an abstraction of this object type.
Transaction Types
Send funds from one account to another.
Transaction Types
Add or modify a trust line.
Account Methods
Get a list of currencies an account can send or receive.
Account Methods
Get info about an account's trust lines.
Account Methods
Calculate total amounts issued by an account.
Account Methods
Get recommended changes to an account's Default Ripple and No Ripple settings.
Path and Order Book Methods
Find a path for a payment between two accounts and receive updates.
Path and Order Book Methods
Find a path for payment between two accounts, once.